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Work started to intgrate LED strips into the controller.

There are a few main stream strips that are available for purchase that are split between analogue and digital.

The easiest at this stage to work with is the digital although there are diferent chipsets and again they are split into 2 main catagories. Easiest way to describe them is 3 wire and 4 wire.

4 Wire chipsets include a clock signal where 3 do not.

I would like to eventually add support for as many as possible but for now I am working with what I have to hand and we will judge it then from interested parties.

The strip is ideal as its flexible and adhesive and normally comes in rolls of 10m that can be added together.


I have not started to work out the limitations yet as to power requirements and the total number of individual leds that can be controlled.

As a start they will all be changed to the controller selected colour at the same time but will work on advanced options like a colour chase in the future after normal testing

These could be mounted across the barriers or wrapped around pillars

I am working on different options for back drop colours and this could be a contender to be added into that category as well


After several setbacks as always with new ideas I managed to do a simple integration with the LED strips.

The test was a left over strip from another project and was only 42 leds in lenth which for this was only 1.5m in actual length.

The spacing of the LED,s is a factor to consider when purchasing the strip. I will eventually source some standard reels which I can sell on as fully tested and working.


Here is a short video of the first bench testing.

It follows the sequences of the main lights when a button is pressed on the control panel.

As with all the sequences they can be pre programmed for what you prefer. This one has a flashing yellow and static red but easily programmed for either or both.

I have not tested the http calls as yet but the calls mimic the button presses so the sequences will run on an http post exactly the same as a button press.

I still have to work out the limitations of length and power and also explore if I can add a wirless signal to control the strips.

At present this is a wired test and as it uses a different type of signal to the wireless track lights I will have to test wireless methods.

If nothing else at this stage the proof of concept I would consider a success and this is a simple interface for getting your timing software to control LED strip lights as an automated process on Start, Warn or End or use the manual switch pack.

Add the wireless track lights and the LED strips to make a unique architectural design for your venue and really stand out from the rest.