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Continued development has always been something that is a must for me.

Those who know me will surely agree.

The best way I have always found to push forward is the everyday needs of the customers.

While not every whim can be catered for if its a good and useful idea then I say lets try it,

I had a conversation track side recently about the use of Blue lights vs Blue flags for moving over the drivers.

While as standard the blue button on the switch panel will put all lights blue, Is that actually useful as the drivers will not know who is being signalled.

Now as a keen racer I know when its me…. Never lol.

The same does apply to the slow drivers, They normally know who they are but there is the occasion that the poor marshal has to try and get the attention of the slow driver to avoid contact from the leaders behind.

So I set about working out how I can select an indivdal blue light.

To be honest the easiest way would have probably been to add a second switch panel but I didnt really want to go down that route.

So I had already used the switch hold to run a bespoke start sequence and decided to go down the same route.


So the result was a selectable blue light.

All other lights will remain Green while a single light will change to blue. I have not added a flashing blue as yet but it may be an option.


How it works is by holding each button for more than 1.5 seconds.

The Green button for light 1, The Yellow for light 2 and so on.

This meant altering the addresses on each light to be independant but that is done only once on setup.

Going back to All Green is just a single push of the green button.

With this option installed the Alternate Warning (white button press) could need some bespoke programming depending on how the track is setup as each fixture is now independant and not a simple 2 fixture setup.

But its an option now and is live for requests.